AngularJS directive multiple controller requires

Sometimes you need to require an ancestor controller in a directive that also needs access to its own controller.

Here's how:

var app = angular.module('yourApp',[]);
app.directive("parentDirective", function(){
  return {
    restrict: "A",
      this.test = function(){
        return "parentController - okay";
app.directive("complexDirective", function(){
  return {
    restrict: "A",
      this.test = function(){
        return "complexController - okay";
    link: function(scope,element,attributes,controllers) {
      var thisController = controllers[0];
      var parentController = controllers[1];
      scope.thisValue = thisController.test();
      scope.parentValue = parentController.test();

as jsbin or gist, if you prefer

It's a little unintuitive at first, but the trick is that when you need to require other controllers, you need to explicitly require your own controller by directive name, then pick each out of the array that is passed in to the linking function.

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